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Network swissceramics Association

Since 1959 swissceramics (the Swiss Ceramics Association) has been working to champion ceramics in Switzerland and support the creative development of its members, who are drawn from all aspects of the ceramics industry from conception to end product. Funded principally through membership fees as well as private and public funding for specific events, swissceramics promotes the craft of ceramics to the public through communications materials and exhibitions of members' work. It seeks to support professional development by working closely with the three Swiss ceramics schools to ensure high-quality training and recognise success. It also represents the concerns of industry professionals and ceramics students in dealings with the Swiss authorities.

Rue de la Gurzelen 5
CH 2502 Biel/Bienne


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Events of swissceramics
posted on 7 March, 2019

Until 21 April: Swiss ceramic artists showcased in Robinson Crusoe themed exhibition

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