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Notizie Initiatives - posted on 26 June, 2020
Swiss Artisans in Residence

Metiers d’art Suisse have recently relaunched their annual programme of artisan residencies , which takes places at their arcades located at Plateforme 10 in the centre of Lausanne, Switzerland. The initiative enables members of the public to visit the space during the residences and become acquainted with the Swiss resident artisan, their techniques, tools, and creations. Also on display are the masterpieces of the prize winners of the Metiers d’art Suisse Prizes. This summer has an exciting line-up of Swiss craftswomen from the hat maker, Annick Roulet, the paper artist, Marie-Laure Beun, the restorer, Amalita Bruthus and the glass blower, Valérie de Roquemaurel.


Swiss Artisans in Residence

Initiatives - Posted on 26 June, 2020

Metiers d’art Suisse have recently relaunched their annual programme of artisan residencies , which takes places at their arcades located at Plateforme 10 in the centre of Lausanne, Switzerland. The initiative enables members of the public to visit the space during the residences and become acquainted with the Swiss resident artisan, their techniques, tools, and creations. Also on display are the masterpieces of the prize winners of the Metiers d’art Suisse Prizes. This summer has an exciting line-up of Swiss craftswomen from the hat maker, Annick Roulet, the paper artist, Marie-Laure Beun, the restorer, Amalita Bruthus and the glass blower, Valérie de Roquemaurel.