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Notizie Initiatives - posted on 9 October, 2020
Create Day launches

Create Day goes live Saturday 10 October. We are delighted to have a selection of our cherished master artisans taking part in the digital initiative imagined by the team behind London Craft week. Our featured artisans include Irish furniture maker Sasha Sykes, Swiss ski maker Lucas Bessard and French feather worker Eric Charles Donatien. To watch them live sharing their creative processes, as well as other talents from across the globe, visit createday.org . For 24 hours, exclusive video content will be released hourly, uploaded region by region according to time zones. With over 300 international participants, don’t miss the chance to connect with the world’s exceptional makers, designers and artists.


Create Day launches

Initiatives - Posted on 9 October, 2020

Create Day goes live Saturday 10 October. We are delighted to have a selection of our cherished master artisans taking part in the digital initiative imagined by the team behind London Craft week. Our featured artisans include Irish furniture maker Sasha Sykes, Swiss ski maker Lucas Bessard and French feather worker Eric Charles Donatien. To watch them live sharing their creative processes, as well as other talents from across the globe, visit createday.org . For 24 hours, exclusive video content will be released hourly, uploaded region by region according to time zones. With over 300 international participants, don’t miss the chance to connect with the world’s exceptional makers, designers and artists.