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Actions / Young Ambassadors Student Testimonials

The Young Ambassadors Programme brings together more than 100 students of over 25 different nationalities. Working alongside other students of different disciplines, approaches and nationalities, our Young Ambassadors gain valuable insights into each other’s specialisations, broadening their horizons and benefitting them for the rest of their careers.

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Actions / Young Ambassadors

Student Testimonials

The Young Ambassadors Programme brings together more than 100 students of over 25 different nationalities. Working alongside other students of different disciplines, approaches and nationalities, our Young Ambassadors gain valuable insights into each other’s specialisations, broadening their horizons and benefitting them for the rest of their careers.

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Discover the testimonials
Kristaps Andersons

In my personal work I am developing new materials and craft techniques. I consider the production as one of the most important parts of designing process.

Weronika Banaś
Weronika Banaś


Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is to put something of yourself into your work…It's like trying to put your soul into the daily duties, and to think outside the box.

Martina Bosin
Martina Bosin


Università di Comunicazione e Lingue IULM
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity means the freedom to express ideas in many differents ways. Creativity has no limit.

Mathilde Corallo
Mathilde Corallo


Compagnons du Devoir
Kristaps Andersons

For me, creativity is the art of making a dream real.

Louis Dauxais-De Ryck
Louis Dauxais-De Ryck


Haute Ecole de Joaillerie Paris
Kristaps Andersons

To me, creativity is the ability to shape the world with ideas. It’s the most important quality for an artist and what distingues him from a simple executor. Each of us could be an artist, if only we thought out of the box, in order to turn our dreams into reality.

Margherita De Matteis
Margherita De Matteis


Università di Comunicazione e Lingue IULM
Kristaps Andersons

I believe in the goal of the Young Ambassadors Programme, to inspire future generations towards the artisan crafts and to give craft the weight and importance it deserves.

Eve Doyle
Eve Doyle


Jewellery & Goldsmithing Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
Kristaps Andersons

Participation in Homo Faber represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and learning experience.

Elina Drake
Elina Drake


Arts Academy of Latvia
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something. It's unique, it's originality, it's progressiveness and imagination. It's an ability to create; the process of creation is iterative rather than linear and requires people with curiosity, energy, and the openness to see connections where others cannot.

Susana Guerra Negre
Susana Guerra Negre


Escola Massana
Kristaps Andersons

I want to learn to use earth, wind, water and fire to make a bowl and how to put a potter’s mind into the bowl I am making.

Yoon Jin Hur
Yoon Jin Hur


Ceramics Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
Kristaps Andersons

Without question, for a student as myself, hungry for knowledge and eager to learn, but without much experience , the possibility to work among and learn from such acclaimed artists and curators is nothing but priceless, and might even be life changing.

Izzy Izabela Kovalevskaja
Izzy Izabela Kovalevskaja


Vilnius Academy of Arts
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity to me is the process of being inspired and in turn inspiring. To create something out of an inspiration, and in turn become the inspiration itself.

Dounia Lahlou
Dounia Lahlou


Creative Academy
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is a gift which we cultivate through study and work. We can only nurture it in a person who has already got it in himself, by showing him beauty in all its forms.

Jérémy Leloutre
Jérémy Leloutre


Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs
Kristaps Andersons

Since I was a child I’ve dreamt of visiting Venice, but the most important is the fact that this exhibition is very important and socially useful.

Katarzyna Moszczyńska
Katarzyna Moszczyńska


Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
Kristaps Andersons

I think the new people I would meet while participating as a student ambassador would inspire my work and encourage me to share stories and learnings.

Deirdre Murphy
Deirdre Murphy


Jewellery & Goldsmithing Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
Kristaps Andersons

Venice is a city that captured my imagination. On a short visit , I was completely blown away by the beauty of the craftsmanship of the many objects and architecture that were plainly obvious and the ones that we come across unexpectedly.

Anna Ng
Anna Ng

United Kingdom

City & Guilds of London Art School
Kristaps Andersons

Character is not definitive, I relentlessly aspire to be better than I am now.

Róisín O'Connor
Róisín O'Connor


Ceramics Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
Kristaps Andersons

Working, doing something worthwhile, derives all its sense when it is done for and with people.

Aleksandra Orzechowska
Aleksandra Orzechowska


Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is the esence that distinguishes us from machines

Vendulka Prchalová
Vendulka Prchalová

Czech Republic

UMPRUM, Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design
Kristaps Andersons

For me, creativity expands our views, it brings color and taste to our lives. While looking at a blank piece of paper, creative people see oportunity. While playing with a piece of wood, they see a first part of a new concept.

Nina Protušová
Nina Protušová


Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Institute of Architecture
Kristaps Andersons

I just want to expand my horizons. Because it’s all about learning isnt it?

Tomáš Rachunek
Tomáš Rachunek

Czech Republic

UMPRUM, Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity for me is craftsmanship, it’s respect towards the one before me and the next ones to come; it’s excitement for me and others.

Josep Miquel Safont Barreda
Josep Miquel Safont Barreda


Escola Massana
Kristaps Andersons

I am interested in participating in the Young Ambassadors Programme because I feel it is a very international experience. Coming from the east side of the world, I have little knowledge of the culture & arts in Europe, and this would provide a very immersive experience to learn all of this.

Aishwarya Tandon
Aishwarya Tandon


Creative Academy
Kristaps Andersons

To me creativity is a necessity, a feature of one's character that not only helps to complete tasks but also inspires new quests. It is a manner of seeing things in completely different ways, exploring, feeling them.

Milda Tičkaitė
Milda Tičkaitė


Vilnius Academy of Arts
Kristaps Andersons

What interests me most in this programme is an exciting opportunity to gain so much experience in such a short period of time and in such wonderful place.

Radvilė Tijūnelytė
Radvilė Tijūnelytė


Vilnius Academy of Arts
Kristaps Andersons

Craftsmanship is not an emergency like global warming, but if the new generation of craftsmen don’t exhibit their work and their passions, a lot of knowledge could disappear.

Arthur Veillon
Arthur Veillon


Compagnons du Devoir
Kristaps Andersons

Knowledge and experience is a treasure which must be shared. It’s the way they obtain their real value.

Kristaps Andersons
Kristaps Andersons


Art Academy of Latvia
Kristaps Andersons

Everything is achievable if you live your life with passion. If you challenge yourself, dream and reach high you will learn.

Zoe Elise Atkinson
Zoe Elise Atkinson

United Kingdom

Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London
Kristaps Andersons

I hope to learn what other members of my generation have to say about our current life and state of the world, and to learn from professionals and skilled designers that have so much to say.

Mikulas Brukner
Mikulas Brukner

Czech Republic

UMPRUM, Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design
Kristaps Andersons

I believe the true artists are the artisans.

Sofia Canesi
Sofia Canesi


Creative Academy
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity in jewellery production is both a product of and underpins social connections in French society. There is an underlying logic to social relations that manifests itself in artisanal techniques and production. Creativity is more than self expression. It is the essence of our social being.

Joséphine de Staël
Joséphine de Staël


Haute Ecole de Joaillerie Paris
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity for me is a way of living, what brings us happiness. It’s in everything around us, but not all notice it. Creativity is learning new things constantly. It’s innovation. It’s the past and the future. The world must have it in order to exist.

Bar Elias
Bar Elias


Creative Academy
Kristaps Andersons

With this experience, I wish to immerse myself in a world of beauty, to get inspired so then I can push myself higher.

Anouk Ferradou
Anouk Ferradou


Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Arts Décoratifs
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity for me is the way to convey my feelings, I think it comes out of my mind, from my imagination and my soul.

Leonardo Fiori
Leonardo Fiori


Scuola Superiore dell’Arte della Medaglia - IPZS S.p.A.
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity to me is the ability to connect the dots. From past experiences, present research or exposure, and with the tools that are at hand, developing a body of work.

Georg Foster
Georg Foster


Ecole Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne
Kristaps Andersons

A designer must be a really curious person, open to new ideas and new technology, and with a strong cultural background.

Vittoria Gardellin
Vittoria Gardellin


Creative Academy
Kristaps Andersons

Europe needs to rediscover its creative nature and I would like to contribute to this as a Young Ambassador at Homo Faber.

Mattia Gasparini
Mattia Gasparini


Escola Superior de Artes Decorativas, Ricardo do Esperito Santo Silva Foundation
Kristaps Andersons

I would like to demonstrate that young people are still interested in craftsmanship and love well made products.

Jonha Gussoni
Jonha Gussoni


Politecnico di Milano, Design School
Kristaps Andersons

The creator has to be curious about the world to create.

Camille Genestier
Camille Genestier


Creative Academy
Kristaps Andersons

I feel that artistic professions are not well enough recognised by the public in general terms. Sharing them with a wider audience is of utmost importance. Human beings are not droids, we still have the ability to craft unique pieces of art that echo deep in our souls.

Coline Harlay
Coline Harlay


Ecole Duperré
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is the freedom to express yourself, an ability to keep asking what if?. It’s playing with the world around you and opening yourself to possibilities. It is failing until you succeed and then keeping at it.

Maja Hede
Maja Hede


Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity means life for me, everyday problem solving. You can be creative while cooking, while hanging your clothes as well as while painting or designing a product. You can either deal with the daily situations in a common way or you can use your creativity and improve your life, adjust it to your needs. And if you´re really good, you can use this creativity of yours and improve the life of the others, adjust it to the human and inhuman needs and desires.

Juraj Horňák
Juraj Horňák


Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is me, trying to observe the world from a different perspective and not live a regretful life by being brave and confident to break through my own limitations.

Jing Jiang
Jing Jiang

United Kingdom

Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London
Kristaps Andersons

I think it's really important to contribute and participate in the transfer of knowledge and to be a messenger for craftsmen’s talents. They are the guardians of the temple of hand made

Juliette Lefèvre
Juliette Lefèvre


Ecole Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is a kind of language, a way of speaking without talking.

Pavel Liška
Pavel Liška

Czech Republic

UMPRUM, Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design
Kristaps Andersons

I am highly impressed with the opportunites this programme provides to young people to broaden their horizons and knowledge through international collaboration.

Aleksandra Liszewska
Aleksandra Liszewska


Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is the ability to shape something formless, that is not clear yet, and to transform an idea, an emotion or a fear in something else.

Caterina Manciola
Caterina Manciola


Creative Academy
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being. Creativity requires passion and commitment. Creativity is characterised by the ability to perceive the world in new ways. Creativity involves two processes: thinking, then producing. Creativity begins with a foundation of knowledge, learning a discipline, and mastering a way of thinking.

Surya Mathew
Surya Mathew


Haute Ecole de Joaillerie
Kristaps Andersons

While instinct drives most other life on earth, creative endeavour, not instinct alone, drives humans. We absorb the influences of the natural and manmade world, we seek out the work of other creatives past and present, we immerse ourselves in innovation and education, and hopefully we issue forth our own unique creative contribution to humanity. Creativity gives meaning to life, weaving humanity together.

Noreen McGuire
Noreen McGuire


Jewellery & Goldsmithing Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is the key to humanity.

Olivia McILvenny
Olivia McILvenny

United Kingdom

City & Guilds of London Art School
Kristaps Andersons

The essence of creativity consists of looking the world with different eyes. To be creative means to look at the elements you already have and try to connect them in a different and unique way to design something new and useful.

Sara Moroni
Sara Moroni


Accademia di Belle Arti Aldo Galli, Istituto Europeo di Design
Kristaps Andersons

Participating in the Young Ambassadors Programme would be an amazing opportunity to get in touch with the best European artisans and designers, learn about local traditions, meet people with the same interests and be a part of a creative network.

Marina Mourão Martins
Marina Mourão Martins


Escola Massana
Kristaps Andersons

Recognizing the potential of an idea or an observation is a big part of creativity. It gives me the ability to further explore this idea or observation which may lead into something new.

Jonas Nitsch
Jonas Nitsch


Akademie für Gestaltung und Design, Kassel
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is a beautiful gift that we are all born with, using our imagination to playfully solve problems and communicate our vision with other people.

Etaoin O'Reilly
Etaoin O'Reilly


Ceramics Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is the will to realize, with our hands, all the ideas that we have in our minds by means of different techniques and materials that are best suited to our project.

Roberta Pillittiere
Roberta Pillittiere


Creative Academy
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is about open-minded people, curious ones, always wanting to improve and getting inspiration from everyday life.

Alina Rech
Alina Rech


Creative Academy
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity might be the expression of the expansion of the mind to the unknown - to have the courage to open new doors.

Filipa Rivera
Filipa Rivera


Escola Superior de Artes Decorativas, Ricardo do Esperito Santo Silva Foundation
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity carries everybody and everything into a poetic world. It gives a new meaning to society and changes the world.

Marie Rolland
Marie Rolland


Ecole Boulle
Kristaps Andersons

I see this as a chance to radically expand my understanding and knowledge of crafts and their place in a contemporary world. I also want if possible to catch a glimmer of what the future for them might be. I would like to see how well known designers are handling this question and what their vision of the future looks like.

Erik Siliuk
Erik Siliuk


Vilnius Academy of Arts
Kristaps Andersons

For me creativity is like diving into deep waters in search of the unknown.

Mantas Svidras
Mantas Svidras


Vilnius Academy of Arts
Kristaps Andersons

I totally agree with the intention to enable more cooperation between artisans and designers. Hopefully we can cause a stir and help craftsmanship become part of industry’s future plans.

Sophie Maria Margareta Thammer
Sophie Maria Margareta Thammer


Mozarteum University Salzburg
Kristaps Andersons

A creative mind knows how to deal with obstacles to design a new solution. To be creative thinkers we need to keep exercising our senses, our lateral thinking and our critical capacity.

Costanza Tomba
Costanza Tomba


Milano Politecnico, Design School
Kristaps Andersons

For me, creativity means making life better and the world more beautiful.

Fan Wu
Fan Wu


Creative Academy
Kristaps Andersons

For me one of the most important values of participating in this experience is meeting artisans involved in the event. Watching their work and talking to them will be for sure a huge lesson and inspiration for me.

Aleksandra Żeromska
Aleksandra Żeromska


Ecole Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne
Kristaps Andersons

This event is a very powerful example of how to create a valuable community.

Martin Mjartan
Martin Mjartan


Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Institute of Architecture
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is a feeling I have at certain moments when drawing, carving or simply observing a piece. There is a change in my senses, a sudden spark or clarity of thought that gets my heart racing. Learning to be consistently creative is a skill I believe can be continually improved upon over time.

William Barsley
William Barsley

United Kingdom

City & Guilds of London Art School
Kristaps Andersons

I am certain that the Young Ambassadors Programme is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to participate in a network with other people from all over Europe who share the same passion for artistic craftsmanship. I would love to learn about techniques that I don’t know about yet and to pass on this knowledge to others who are interested.

Margret Breitfuss
Margret Breitfuss


Mozarteum University Salzburg
Kristaps Andersons

I've always been fascinated by the relationship between technology and craft. As machines are now more powerful than ever before it is becoming more and more obvious that they could never reach the level of the best craftsmen.

Diane Bresson
Diane Bresson

United Kingdom

Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London
Kristaps Andersons

For me creativity is a way to be free: I can express what I want, I can build what I want, because in my hands I have the means to grant my dreams.

Aymeric Cecillon
Aymeric Cecillon


Compagnons du Devoir
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is the most powerful faculty that man has. It’s what distinguishes us from animals and allows us to face the challenges of life with energy and empathy.

Arianna Cicconi
Arianna Cicconi


Scuola Superiore dell’Arte della Medaglia - IPZS S.p.A.
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is the point beyond process, where enjoyment can be found in translating something from your own heart and mind into the physical world.

Christopher Crawford
Christopher Crawford


Ceramics Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is the capability to transfer something within yourself into something that everybody can see and feel.

Agnese Cristaudo
Agnese Cristaudo


Università di Comunicazione e Lingue IULM
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is connecting, perceiving and understanding what is concealed under the surface of reality.

Lucrezia Delfini
Lucrezia Delfini


Scuola Superiore dell’Arte della Medaglia - IPZS S.p.A.
Kristaps Andersons

I think creativity is a super power that is a necessity for our society to embrace even more if we want to make a brighter future for all, which means creativity is also responsibility.

Linea Dannevig Klaaborg Drescher
Linea Dannevig Klaaborg Drescher


Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Kristaps Andersons

Enthusiasm moves the world! Never lose your inner child who is open-hearted and open-minded and curious. This is what makes the world so beautiful.

Līva Drīliņa
Līva Drīliņa


Art Academy of Latvia
Kristaps Andersons

Discussion with other people is the first step in personal development and improvement... the possibility of establishing an open dialogue and a comparison with other students and artists is very fascinating to me.

Alice Figini
Alice Figini


Accademia di Belle Arti Aldo Galli, Istituto Europeo di Design
Kristaps Andersons

The Young Ambassadors Programme seems to me as unique opportunity to experience something new, working in an international environment, to explore, to meet new people and to improvemy skills but all above to learn something.",Silvia,Ms,Slovakia,"Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava


Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava

Kristaps Andersons

I love the delicate and precious work of embroidery but also the intimate relationship with the material and the patience necessary to complete a project. I see this as an opportunity to bring to life my love for embroidery and inspire passion in others.

Anaïs Houël
Anaïs Houël


Ecole Duperré
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity for me is to set our mind free of any boundary, anything is possible, just let it flow. It’s when you can turn things you see in your mind into reality.

Jan Junker
Jan Junker


Escola Superior de Artes Decorativas, Ricardo do Esperito Santo Silva Foundation
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is an ability to analyse, interpret and reflect life events or personal moments. The power of crossing the boundaries. A mysterious component each artist wants to be filled with.

Lauryna Kiskyte
Lauryna Kiskyte


Vilnius Academy of Arts
Kristaps Andersons

When I first read about Homo Faber, I got really excited because I think it’s such an important topic to discuss and to bring more attention to. During my studies we learned many different textile techniques, their history, how to use them for your own projects and also how to teach them to other people. I realized how important it is being able to create and to be an active part of this society. All this knowledge must be preserved.

Nathalie Kröll
Nathalie Kröll


Mozarteum University Salzburg
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is expressing oneself by making things that make your heart happy. For me it is a very strong and intuitive link between your hands and your soul, passing through your head.

Julia La Mendola
Julia La Mendola


Haute Ecole d'Art et de Design de Genève
Kristaps Andersons

We need to grab people’s attention on the burning issue that is the protection of our exceptional skills, that came through the ages and are now threatened by globalization and the digital revolution.

Victor Levecq
Victor Levecq


Compagnons du Devoir
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is something that sparkles in the mind

Chiara Livio
Chiara Livio


Accademia di Belle Arti Aldo Galli, Istituto Europeo di Design
Kristaps Andersons

Participation in this event will be a unique and extraordinary experience. It will allow me to enrich my knowledge in a field that fascinates me. I will keep the memory of an unforgettable human and cultural adventure.

Richard Mancel
Richard Mancel


Ecole Boulle
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is passion. It's the force that a person has to invent and to create something new.

Messua Mazzetto
Messua Mazzetto


Università Iuav di Venezia
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity comes from the word "creation the act of producing something new the act of bringing to life. It begins in our mind it's a complex mental process influenced by all we saw in our life all we felt all we learnt. Creativity is the expression of our being."

Deborah Morelli
Deborah Morelli


Università di Comunicazione e Lingue IULM
Kristaps Andersons

The Young Ambassadors Programme is an amazing opportunity to take part in an event that gives me the chance to work alongside inspiring people and learn more about the art and design field and community around the world.

Tamara Olbrys
Tamara Olbrys


Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity, in my view, starts from the perception of the world: the different ways in which people see and understand the world (inputs) can create a different actions (outputs). Creativity is turning our ideas into reality, thinking and generating actions.

Debora Paolini
Debora Paolini


Università di Comunicazione e Lingue IULM
Kristaps Andersons

This is the perfect occasion to allow all the Young Ambassadors to share ideas, experiences, opinions and to learn from each other.

Laura Pijulet
Laura Pijulet


Escola Massana
Kristaps Andersons

I am very passionate about keeping traditional crafts alive within a fast paced society which encourages throwaway consumerism. I worry for the future of design and the implications of increasing amounts of mass produced items with no longevity. I do not wish to fear new technology but educate myself in how to work with new developments and what they mean for traditional craft.

Lily Read
Lily Read


Jewellery & Goldsmithing Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
Kristaps Andersons

This event would expose me to new and creative approaches to my practice and would be an amazing opportunity to not only see a wide range of international work, but also to engage and learn about different works of art.

Annemarie Reinhold
Annemarie Reinhold


Jewellery & Goldsmithing Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
Kristaps Andersons

I think the world is changing now, there is a return to the old ways of doing things and craftsmanship is coming back. I really want to help this happen.

Julia Salvarani Diez
Julia Salvarani Diez


Università Iuav di Venezia, Venice
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is a way to express an inner idea of colours, sensations, memories, and comunicate them through different channels, such as paint, dance, fashion, music.

Alessia Sasso
Alessia Sasso


Accademia di Belle Arti Aldo Galli, Istituto Europeo di Design
Kristaps Andersons

Emphasizing the importance of both traditional and contemporary craft in our society seems to me absolutely crucial. Different views and perspectives often initiate a stimulating discussion, which I see as essential.

Alena Štěrbová
Alena Štěrbová

Czech Republic

UMPRUM, Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design
Kristaps Andersons

This is a great opportunity to get in touch with artisans, designers and artists from all over the world, to get inspiration and stimuli for my ongoing works and my development as an artist, to increase my knowledge of fine craftsmanship, and to grow as a person.

Egon Stocchi
Egon Stocchi


Mozarteum University Salzburg
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is being inquisitive with our surroundings and , creating a connection and relationship between the public and the maker.

Natasha Swan
Natasha Swan


Ceramics Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity is contagious.

Lea Turzáková
Lea Turzáková


Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Institute of Architecture
Kristaps Andersons

I believe that it is very important to keep the playfulness in everything I do, to leave a place for unexpected turns in my plans or my working processes.

Sabine Vernere
Sabine Vernere


Art Academy of Latvia
Kristaps Andersons

Creative capacity allows the creation of something new that goes beyond the box even if it comes from something that we already know.

Leo Zeni
Leo Zeni


Scuola Superiore dell’Arte della Medaglia - IPZS S.p.A.
Kristaps Andersons

During all the years of my studies I worked with wood, metals, plastics and bioplastics under the supervision of masters. I understand the weight, the power of experience and the lessons craftsmen can give to the designers.

Marta Zimińska
Marta Zimińska


Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
Kristaps Andersons

Creativity or inspiration, for me, is a personal exercise. It is the unleashing of creative potential in each of us through the awakening of new patterns, new points of view. Suddenly, we are able to explain a concept through new symbols and new languages.

Chiara Beretta
Chiara Beretta


Accademia di Belle Arti Aldo Galli, Istituto Europeo di Design
Kristaps Andersons

I want to seize this opportunity to experience direct contact with other artists and designers from around the globe. I’d like to gain an understanding of current contemporary jewellery first hand.

Siobhain O'Sullivan
Siobhain O'Sullivan


Jewellery & Goldsmithing Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland
Kristaps Andersons

Change is not needful, it is a necessity.

Lydia Clayton
Lydia Clayton


Jewellery & Goldsmithing Skills & Design Course, Design & Crafts Council of Ireland