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Network Vitromusée Romont / Vitrocentre Romont Museum

The Vitromusée Romont and the Vitrocentre Romont are two foundations dedicated to the glass arts. The museum and the scientific research centre work in close collaboration with one another. The Vitromusée houses a significant historical collection of stained glass and reverse painting from Switzerland and elsewhere, as well as collections in other fields of glass art. The museum often promotes contemporary glass art in temporary exhibitions and showcases glass artists in its workshop series. It also organises the Vitrofestival, which introduces glass art to a wider public and stimulates exchange among artisans. The Vitrocentre conducts research on the history, conservation and technology of glass and provides expert consulting services.

Au Château
1680 Romont


Vitrocentre Romont & Vitromusée Romont©Vitromusée Romont
Work during a blowpipe blowing initiation workshop©Vitromusée Romont
Exposition Verre A Vivre©Vitromusée Romont
Vitrocentre Romont logo©Vitrocentre
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