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Network Observatory for Arts and Crafts Association

Established in 2001, the Observatory for Arts and Crafts (Associazione Osservatorio dei Mestieri d'Arte, or OMA) in Florence, Italy, is a non-profit association of private Italian bank foundations committed to safeguarding and promoting handicrafts and the artistic heritage of arts and crafts, and preserving the cultural identity of the region. It supports local and international training and internships and, since 2010, has granted an OMA label of quality to qualifying artisans. It also highlights excellence in young artisans with the aim of drawing future generations to master craftsmanship.

6 Via Maurizio Bufalini
50122 Florence


OMA exhibition©Michele Monasta
OMA tools©Michele Monasta
OMA - workshop©Filippo Manzini
Osservatorio dei Mestieri d'Arte logo©OMA
OMA - materials©Juri Ciani
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