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Network Museum of Arts and Crafts Museum

The Museum of Arts and Crafts (MUO) in Zagreb was established in 1880 to bring together a collection of models for master artisans and artists to renew the production of everyday use items, preserve traditional artisanal values and create a new cultural aesthetic for the middle class. Today, MUO owns thousands of fine and applied arts pieces from the 14th to the 21st century covering furniture, glass, metal, ceramics, sculpture, painting, graphic art, watchmaking, graphic and product design, architecture, fabric and fashion, musical instruments, painted leather, printing and bookbinding. The museum's library houses 65,000 books and journals specialised in art and the applied arts in Eastern Europe, making it one of the oldest and most important collections of its kind.

Trg maršala Tita 10
10 000 Zagreb


Undefined title©Museum of Arts and Crafts Zagreb
Museum of Arts and Crafts Zagreb logo©Museum of Arts and Crafts Zagreb
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