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Network The Craft Atlas Association

The Craft Atlas is an open-access database dedicated to textile crafts and the artisans who master them. The online platform aims to support cultural diversity, transparency, and a renaissance of regional production. Its aim is to connect professional designers with skilled artisans to celebrate the aesthetic beauty and heritage of crafts. The platform supports traditional textile crafts from embroidery to lace making by giving them visibility through a geo-loaction map.The founders’ mission is to transform the current fashion system towards slower, more transparent design skills, by empowering changemakers. This design-research project seeks to revive artistic textile crafts and create a network among engaged artists, artisans, designers, and production facilities, fostering local action and global connectivity.

Rautistrasse 30
8047 Zurich


©The Craft Atlas
©The Craft Atlas
©The Craft Atlas
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