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Network Meisterstrasse Handmade Association

MEISTERSTRASSE HANDMADE is a directory of craftsmanship aiming to introduce the general public to the products and passions of the finest artisans. The organisation was established in Austria the 1990s by Nicola and Christoph Rath, both passionate about fine craftsmanship, who wanted to highlight the work of artisans across the country practising their metier to the highest standard. It has since expanded to cover Germany, the Netherlands and Japan, presenting hundreds of master artisans and their companies as members. It intends to continue its expansion across Europe and beyond. The organisation seeks out unique products, makers and masters to recommend on its website and in its publications and lobbies for a modern culture of craftsmanship in order to close the gap between artisans and discerning customers. Its MEISTERSTRASSE SELECTION label is a stamp of excellence given to those who have achieved international prominence by producing items of superior quality with great attention to detail.

Freyung 6
1010 Vienna


Sommerhuber - Meisterstrasse©Meisterstrasse
lobmeyr - Meisterstrasse©Lobmeyr
Meisterstrasse Logo©Meisterstrasse.PNG
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