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Network MAK - Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna Museum

The MAK – Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art was founded as the Imperial Royal Austrian Museum of Art and Industry in Vienna in 1863. With its unique collection of applied arts, design and architecture, it is one of the most important museums of its kind in the world. The MAK mounts exhibitions in the fields of applied arts, design, architecture, contemporary art and new media, often emphasising their mutual relationships. Its multifaceted mission allows for varied approaches: it is a laboratory of societal knowledge, and a place for research, preservation, education and interactive learning. The museum also develops cross-border and international activities, positioning itself as a centre for intercultural and artistic exchanges and for dialogue with designers, artists and architects.

Arts/Contemporary ArtStubenring 5
1010 Vienna


Austrian Museum of Applied Ars - tGerald Zugmann©MAK
Austrian Museum of Applied Arts - _Wolfgang Woessner©MAK
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