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Network Konsthantverkscentrum Association

Founded in 1990 Konsthantverkscentrum (the Swedish Craft Centre) is the only occupational organisation for professional craft artists in Sweden, with more than 700 members from all over the country. The aim for Konsthantverkscentrum is to highlight, develop and enhance the position of craft in contemporary culture, nationally as well as internationally. This is done by acting as a knowledge base, initiating conversations and dialogues, organising public events and exhibitions, besides supporting and marketing our members in various contexts.

Moreover, Konsthantverkscentrum act as an intermediary, promoting collaborations between members and different organisations, companies and institutions. The goal is to increase the status of craft as a field and make sure that in the longer term, practitioners can achieve an improved financial situation.

Bellmansgatan 5
118 20 Stockholm


Hobo Homeward bound by Cecilia Levy Artisan©Cecilia Levy
NYUpmarket©KonsthantverkscentrumUpmarket © Creative Commons Recognition
Sanna Svedestedt Artisan©Sanna Svedestedt
KHVC Logo©Konsthantverkscentrum
Events of Konsthantverkscentrum
posted on 18 September, 2020

Stockholm Craft Week

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