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The Foundation / Criteria for excellence Interpretation

"If you are making a hat for a private client, the interpretation also has to do with understanding what their idea of perfection is, as well as yours. It’s bringing the two together, getting as close as possible."

Sophie Beale’s handcrafted hats are a study in depth and space, combining fluidity with structure. After training with Rose Cory and working under iconic milliners such as Noel Stewart, Stephen Jones and Philip Treacy, she launched her own brand in 2012 in London.

Sophie Beale

Criteria for excellence


"If you are making a hat for a private client, the interpretation also has to do with understanding what their idea of perfection is, as well as yours. It’s bringing the two together, getting as close as possible."

Sophie Beale’s handcrafted hats are a study in depth and space, combining fluidity with structure. After training with Rose Cory and working under iconic milliners such as Noel Stewart, Stephen Jones and Philip Treacy, she launched her own brand in 2012 in London.

Sophie Beale