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News Initiatives - posted on 9 April, 2020
À vos masques

Launched 20 March 2020, this initiative aims to encourage small businesses and independents to contribute to the effort by creating fabric masks for those in need. The platform helps to connect at a local level across France those capable of making masks with those people who continue to carry out public facing roles (volunteers, cashiers, delivery workers, bakers and caretakers) but who do not have access to surgical masks. These face masks whilst not medically approved, still act as a protective barrier. So far, 175 volunteer mask makers in France have sewn 1473 masks.

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À vos masques

Initiatives - Posted on 9 April, 2020

Launched 20 March 2020, this initiative aims to encourage small businesses and independents to contribute to the effort by creating fabric masks for those in need. The platform helps to connect at a local level across France those capable of making masks with those people who continue to carry out public facing roles (volunteers, cashiers, delivery workers, bakers and caretakers) but who do not have access to surgical masks. These face masks whilst not medically approved, still act as a protective barrier. So far, 175 volunteer mask makers in France have sewn 1473 masks.

Learn more about the initiative