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Network IED Madrid School

The Madrid campus of the Istituto Europeo di Design was established in 1994. It is part of an international network of design institutions which provide professional training in the fields of design, fashion, visual communication and management. As of 2018 it belongs to a non-profit foundation, fulfilling the will of its founder, Francesco Morelli. The institution’s faculty is made up of professors and experts who seek to pass on their expertise and develop students’ creative and cultural competencies through innovative programmes of study, using diverse teaching methods, technology and experimentation. The IED methodology centres itself upon relationships with companies and institutions allowing students to enter into contact with design-sector professionals from their first year onwards. The institution equips students with the tools they need to adapt to the evolving demands of the professional world, organising collaborations with over 200 business partners.

C/Flor Alta 8
28004 Madrid


Workshops Sept2015 IED Madrid©IED Madrid
TFE 2019 Eider Falcón Martiarena Student©IED Madrid.
IED Innovation Lab©IED Madrid
2018 Course Presentation©IED Madrid
IED Madrid Logo©IED Madrid
Events of IED Madrid
posted on 15 March, 2022

Call for application: IED Madrid Diploma in Craft and Design

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