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News Education - posted on 28 March, 2023
Homo Faber Fellowship: A new education programme

We are very happy to introduce Homo Faber Fellowship, a new education programme, for craft graduates and master artisans. The seven-month programme offers a life-changing training opportunity for young talents looking to build a career in craft and master artisans who wish to pass on their skills and grow their businesses. The first edition launching this September will benefit 20 duos of master artisans and fellows based in France, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain whose craft is strongly connected to their local region.

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Homo Faber Fellowship: A new education programme

Education - Posted on 28 March, 2023

We are very happy to introduce Homo Faber Fellowship, a new education programme, for craft graduates and master artisans. The seven-month programme offers a life-changing training opportunity for young talents looking to build a career in craft and master artisans who wish to pass on their skills and grow their businesses. The first edition launching this September will benefit 20 duos of master artisans and fellows based in France, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain whose craft is strongly connected to their local region.

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