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News Initiatives - posted on 17 July, 2020
Galerie Collection

Galerie Collection , located in the centre of Paris, celebrates the richness of contemporary crafts. The gallery was founded in 2006 by Ateliers d'Art de France, an organisation which represents and supports up to 15 artisans each year, through residencies. The gallery provides a space for the resident artisans to exhibit their pieces. Here you can find ceramics, wood, glass, stone and metal creations. The multidisciplinary temporary exhibitions, which change every two months, showcase unique examples of craftsmanship and contemporary textures, shapes and designs. The gallery also houses the exceptional collection of more than 100 pieces amassed by Ateliers d’Art France. This summer the gallery is presenting the pieces of metalworker Ulysse Lacoste, sculptor Flavia Fenaroli, cabinetmaker Valérie Vayre, glassworker Celia Pascaud and mosaicist Paulina Okurowska.

Opening times : Tuesday-Saturday : 11 :00-13 :00 & 14:00-18:00
Place : galerie Collection, 4 rue de Thorigny, Paris


Galerie Collection

Initiatives - Posted on 17 July, 2020

Galerie Collection , located in the centre of Paris, celebrates the richness of contemporary crafts. The gallery was founded in 2006 by Ateliers d'Art de France, an organisation which represents and supports up to 15 artisans each year, through residencies. The gallery provides a space for the resident artisans to exhibit their pieces. Here you can find ceramics, wood, glass, stone and metal creations. The multidisciplinary temporary exhibitions, which change every two months, showcase unique examples of craftsmanship and contemporary textures, shapes and designs. The gallery also houses the exceptional collection of more than 100 pieces amassed by Ateliers d’Art France. This summer the gallery is presenting the pieces of metalworker Ulysse Lacoste, sculptor Flavia Fenaroli, cabinetmaker Valérie Vayre, glassworker Celia Pascaud and mosaicist Paulina Okurowska.

Opening times : Tuesday-Saturday : 11 :00-13 :00 & 14:00-18:00
Place : galerie Collection, 4 rue de Thorigny, Paris