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Network Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union Governmental / Para-governmental organisation

The Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union (Eesti Rahvakunsti ja Käsitöö Liit) is a non-profit organisation that connects regional folk art and craft organisations and artisans. It aims to value, preserve and develop Estonian craftsmanship traditions and to treasure their regional characteristics, and it works to preserve folk crafts as a cultural phenomenon as well as a source of subsistence. Among other activities, the Union represents artisans and folk art and craft organisations in Estonia and abroad, hosts important events in Estonia such as the St Martin's Day Fair, the Handicraft Forum and the Handicraft Entrepreneur's Award and issues the label 'Certified Estonian Artisanal Craft'. It was founded in 1929 and re-established in 1992.

Pikk 22
10133 Tallin


Traditional mittens - Certified Estonian Artisanal Craft©Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union
St Martins Day Fair©Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union
Eesti Käsitöö logo©Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union
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