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Network Ecole Boulle School

Ecole Boulle was founded in 1886 in the French capital as a furniture making school and has since become a leading institution in fine craftsmanship training in jewellery making, woodturning, woodcarving, engraving, tapestry, cabinetmaking, chair making and marquetry, spatial, interior, industrial and furniture design, and visual communication, with 13 workshops in house. Ranging from baccalaureate level up to postgraduate, courses are led by master craftsmen in small groups of 2-12 students with particular emphasis on savoir-faire and balancing design practices with craftsmanship at the highest level.

21 Rue Pierre Bourdan
75012 Paris


Ecole Boulle©École Boulle
Student Ecole Boulle©École Boulle
Front door Ecole Boulle©École Boulle
École Boulle logo©École Boulle
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