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Network Danish Crafts & Design Association Governmental / Para-governmental organisation

Danish Crafts & Design Association (DKoD) promotes professional artisans and designers through exhibitions, fairs, events and digital platforms. The association collaborates with museums, higher design and crafts educations as well as other institutions and organizations in Denmark and abroad.
DKoD is a private association with about 500 professional designers and craft artisans in Denmark. It hosts the Biennale for Crafts & Design including exhibition, competition and seminar, two annual crafts fairs, as well as exhibitions and artist talks at its gallery space, Officinet, in Copenhagen. The organization supports members' interests in matters of trade and professional development and coordinates their participation in exhibitions and competitions.

66, Bredgade
1260 Copenhagen


Iben Hoej, "Bloodrelation", 2016, © Dorte Krogh
Pernille Bulow, "Sky lamper farvegruppe" - © Pernille Bulow, "Sky lamper farvegruppe"
Lea Mi Engholm, "Talisman", 2017, © Ole Akhøj
Danske Kunsthandvaerkere & Designere_logo©DKoD
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