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Network Contemporanea de Artes y Oficios Association

Contemporanea de Artes y Oficios (CAO) is an association that promotes both traditional and contemporary Spanish crafts. They seek to protect Spanish craftsmanship, and use it to foster the development of culture, history and art and boost its economic benefits on the environment and tourism industry. Their main targets are to ensure an environment in which Spanish craftspeople can thrive and to aid them in having further commercial reach in Spain and internationally. The CAO collaborates with similar institutions to ideate best practices; they assist with the development of commercial platforms for craftspeople; they organise seminars, forums and talks. Beyond this, they use media for widespread visibility for arts and crafts; they launch programmes that promote crafts and engage in research projects. Their collective expertise enables them to provide consulting services to artisans and ateliers.

Paseo Del Prado, 26-4d
28014 Madrid


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Events of Contemporanea de Artes y Oficios
posted on 23 May, 2022

España Artesana – shop Spanish crafts

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