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Network Association Ouvrière des Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France Association

Les Compagnons du Devoir supports young people in developing their professional skills to a high standard across 30 different artisanal trades. Sharing knowledge and expertise, travel and community living are the foundations of the organisation's ethos. Its trainees move from company to company, city to city, country to country on a voyage of self-discovery, broadening their horizons and enhancing their professional outlook. Trainees are expected to be open to travelling abroad, while the organisation also welcomes young people wanting to come to train in France. Employers working in partnership with Les Compagnons du Devoir have the opportunity to engage with skilled and reliable trainees with varying levels of experience, who in turn can enhance the workforce, offering flexibility, motivation and cross-cultural exchange.

82, Rue de l'Hôtel-de-ville
75004 Paris


Silversmithing Atelier - Compagnons du devoir - Thierry Caron©Divergence
The journey - Thierry Caron©Divergence
Leatherworking Atelier - Compagnons du devoir - Thierry Caron©Divergence
Living together - Thierry Caron©Divergence
Les Compagnons du Devoir logo©Les Compagnoms du Devoir
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