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Network Association of Hungarian Folk Artists Association

The Association of Hungarian Folk Artists (Népművészeti Egyesületek Szövetsége, or AHFA/NESZ) is a non-governmental organisation which brings together over 50 folk associations, craft workshops and art houses from across Hungary. For more than three decades it has worked with its members and partners to preserve and promote the country's diverse heritage crafts. The association's youth training programmes aim to inspire the next generation in the art and business of crafts, and its annual Festival of Folk Arts at Buda Castle showcases the work of the masters, attracting some 70,000 visitors.

Szilágyi Dezső tér 6, 1. em.
1011 Budapest


Association of Hungarian Folk Artists©Association of Hungarian Folk Artists
Association of Hungarian Folk Artists©Association of Hungarian Folk Artists
NESZ_Logo©Association of Hungarian Folk Artists
Association of Hungarian Folk Artists©Association of Hungarian Folk Artists
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