Michelangelo FoundationMichelangelo Foundation Homo Faber Biennial Guide NextGen
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Network / Together Artisan recommendations

As experts in contemporary craftsmanship in their own countries, our network members are best placed to recommend the master artisans in their regions who meet our criteria of excellence. With our members’ help, we can identify the craftsmen and women doing extraordinary things and bring them into our community. Through our projects and communication activities, we champion these master artisans beyond their home country’s borders, boosting their international visibility and offering them new opportunities, which helps to ensure their economic future for many years to come.

Network / Together

Artisan recommendations

As experts in contemporary craftsmanship in their own countries, our network members are best placed to recommend the master artisans in their regions who meet our criteria of excellence. With our members’ help, we can identify the craftsmen and women doing extraordinary things and bring them into our community. Through our projects and communication activities, we champion these master artisans beyond their home country’s borders, boosting their international visibility and offering them new opportunities, which helps to ensure their economic future for many years to come.