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Network Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw School

The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie) opened in 1904 with a curriculum dedicated to applied arts alongside painting, sculpture and printmaking. In the late 1950s, a group of professors became permanently associated with the academy including key figures of the Polish art and creative scene, and it subsequently operated a system of master studios that is still present today. The academy consists of nine faculties: painting, graphic arts, sculpture, media art, conservation and restoration of works of art, design, interior design, stage design and management of visual culture. It is the largest art school in Poland for higher education with over 900 students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The academy also plays an important part in the cultural life of the city and country. Its international standing is consistently improving as a direct result of its developing partnerships with academic institutions and companies abroad.

Mr Bazyli Krasulakul. Myśliwiecka 8
00–459 Warsaw


©Jan Lutyk
©Jan Lutyk
©Jan Lutyk
©Jan Lutyk
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